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Marisa Tigney

Service For The Community

Food service provided by Minnie's Food Pantry in Plano, TX.

My Heard Take:

"Hunger is Everywhere, and so are we"

Those words are definitely more relevant & hold true more so today than ever. The impact of the pandemic has caused almost everything as we know it to take a pause: jobs, entertainment, lifestyles we are accustomed a complete stop. The one thing that has not stopped is hunger. Food pantries in the U.S., have seen double, some days, quadruple the amount of people who are in need of food, and I have witnessed this happening at a food pantry here in Plano, TX called Minnie's Food Pantry.

My journey here started almost 5 years ago, when the founder of MFP, Dr. Cheryl "Action" Jackson was on Facebook live showing those who followed what a daily operation looked like. I was in awe of how many people were being served and in the amount of volunteers were there, having fun and taking part in serving the community. I wanted to be a part of it and when I had mention on her live that my husband and I were moving to Texas, she challenged me to join as soon as I arrived. I kept my word, joined, and have experienced the most incredible, beautiful meaning of service. I love to interact with people so it was the service in concierge that ultimately became my passion. From hugs, to stories from the clients that came in, it was such a connection of who they were and as Dr. Jackson says to every volunteer and those who connect with MFP, she teaches that everyone is the same and that we serve with love, #LoveMadeVisable, a legacy carried through her and her team from her mother, the late Minnie Hawthorne-Ewing. I am so honored to have served side by side with so many people from various corporations, companies, students, children, everyone who had a heart to give was part of the MFP Community. I always looked forward to what can I do today that would make an impact in someway to the people that would come? Fast forward to March 2020. Covid. Everything that I knew of service, that direct contact, hugs to all the clients that came in and needed that safe space of comfort, had to be revamped.

Though these last 8 months, MFP has been everywhere. Literally. The need for food in the community began to increase and MFP made ways to provide service not only at the pantry, but at schools, churches, Senior centers, the Veterans, taking trips to Houston and STILL providing service for those impacted from Hurricane Harvey. Grocery store chains and businesses that do food and beverage service came together when the shelves were starting to get empty and came through to make sure that every person, every family, that needed service, got service. Even through what seems like the worst time that I've witnessed, the power of giving, the rise of a community came together to help others in need. That is worth its weight in gold.

I'm so honored to be part of something that is doing things for the community and I want to take this month of November to showcase non profit organizations like Minnie's Food Pantry who are doing their part to take care of the people who need it. Support MFP as they are continuing their service this Thanksgiving and Christmas. Visit to see what you can do to help today!

If you have a non profit organization or in charge of one that is making an impact in your community, please leave your contact information on our website. We would love to see the impact your making in the world!

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